Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Boss Strike #9 Units and Rewards pt. 1

Here we go, Boss Strike #9 against Sgt. Ludlow (hey that rhymed!). This battle will be against rebel units so expect to need anti-air and ground units. Sgt Ludlows bio shows him as a mainly ground force focused boss with strong concrete walls for front line defense. The rewards are looking pretty good for this one, and the new Nanopod unit, the Demolisher, should be pretty good for this boss strike.

Reward Table
TierRewardsPoints awardedPoints to earnTotal points
1Resource-steel 3,000Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 3005,5005,500
2Resource-skull 15Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 35024,40029,900
3UH-1B SkyRaptorResource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 40077,500107,400
4Resource-tooth 30Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 450201,500308,900
5Resource-nanopod 45Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 500421,400730,300
6Resource-bars 40Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 550767,7001,498,000
7C17 Winged MammothResource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 6001,192,1002,690,100
8Resource-laurels 20Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 7001,789,9004,480,000
9Resource-nanopod 90Resource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 8003,272,5007,752,500
10B10-C Boar IIResource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 1,0006,707,80014,460,300
11B10-C Boar IIResource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 1,00013,415,60027,875,900
12B10-C Boar IIResource-concrete 1,000 → BSPoints 1,00026,831,20054,707,100


The Demolisher

Yea, thats right bitches, mother fucking armored crane with a spikey wrecking ball. This thing is a ground units nightmare, with 3 brutal attacks I will certainly be picking this beast up for the boss strike.

Attack 1: Wrecking Ball Swing
Damage Type: Melee
Range: 1-17
Line of Fire: Precise (Fixed Position
Ammo Used: NA
Cooldown: 4 Rounds 
Base Crit: -30% vs Solider and 50% vs Tanks
Damage: (Rank 1: 43-58) (Rank 9: 167-226)
Can not damage Air or LTA

Attack 2: Wrecking Ball Drop
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-18
Line of Fire: Precise
Ammo Used: NA
Cooldown: 4 Rounds
Base Crit: 5%-25% vs. Soldiers and 55% vs. Vehicles + rank bonus
Damage: (Rank 1: 41-55) (Rank 9: 159 - 214)
Can not damage Air or LTA

Attack 3: Wrecking Ball Earthquake
Damage Type: Melee
Range: 1-25
Line of Fire: Indirect
Cooldown: 6 Rounds
Base Crit: 45% and 145% vs Defenses
Damage: (Rank 1: 132-198) (Rank 9: 514 - 772)
Can only damage defenses

UH-1B SkyRaptor

A tier 7 reward for tier 3, what else is there to say? Well other than this unit is poised to be a support/attack helicopter. It also has worse than average base defense against and damage.

Attack 1: Machine Gun
Damage Type: Piercing
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 2 Rounds 
Base Crit: 15%
Damage: (Rank 1: 27-33 x 4) (Rank 9: 89-108 x 4)
Can ONLY damage Air or LTA

Attack 2: Stinging Gas / Nerve Gas
Damage Type: Fire
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 0
Cooldown: 6 Rounds (5 Round Prep)
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 1: 14-17) (Rank 9: 46 - 56)
Can only damage Soliders, Snipers, Critters, and Civilians
Notes: While on paper this seems like a bad attack, in practice it is not. It has the ability to cover the whole board in a fire effect or stun effect.

Attack 3: Shrapnel Bomb
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 4 Rounds (2 Round Prep)
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 4: 50-61 x 2) (Rank 9: 75-92 x 2)
Can not damage Air or LTA

Tier 7 (C17 Winged Mammoth) and 10 (B10-C Boar 2) Rewards will be published tomorrow!

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