Sunday, March 30, 2014

Boss Strike #8 Reward Units: BC-3 Cobra

For the 8th boss strike we have 3 new air units as rewards for tier 3, 7, and 10. All 3 of them all look pretty decent but I will be going into each ones stats separately. This unit is the tier 7 reward for this Boss Strike.

BC-3 Cobra


Blocking: None
HP Defenses: 
- 110% Against Standard Ammo
- 125% Against Melee
- 90% Against Fire
Armor Defenses:
- 110% Against Standard Ammo
- 120% Against Melee
- 110% Against Explosives
- 125% Against Fire
Health: (Rank 1: 90) (Rank 9: 335)
Armor: (Rank 1: 0) (Rank 9: 120)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 10) (Rank 9: 55)
Defense: (Rank 1: 25) (Rank 9: 65)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 5) (Rank 9: 45)

Attack 1: Fly By
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Round 
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 1: 21-29 x 5) (Rank 9: 69-95 x 5)
Cannot Damage LTAs or Air Units

Attack 2: Anti-Tank Maneuver
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 2 Rounds
Base Crit: 10% vs Tanks
Damage: (Rank 1: 26-36 x 3) (Rank 9: 85 - 118 x 3)
Can Only Damage Vehicles and Tanks

We will have to see how this unit performs. On paper it is fairly decent and makes for a good mid-range air unit.

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