Monday, March 31, 2014

Boss Strike #8 Reward Units: RS17 Shadowwasp

For the 8th boss strike we have 3 new air units as rewards for tier 3, 7, and 10. All 3 of them all look pretty decent but I will be going into each ones stats separately. This unit is the tier 10 reward for this Boss Strike.

RS17 Shadowwasp


Blocking: None
Immunity: Freeze and Stun
HP Defenses: 
- 75% Against Standard Ammo
- 75% Against Melee
- 130% Against Explosive
- 65% Against Fire
- 75% Against Ice
Armor Defenses:
- 65% Against Standard Ammo
- 65% Against Melee
- 150% Against Explosives
- 50% Against Fire
- 75% Against Ice
Health: (Rank 1: 100) (Rank 9: 310)
Armor: (Rank 1: 0) (Rank 9: 105)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 30) (Rank 9: 55)
Defense: (Rank 1: 30) (Rank 9: 85)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 20) (Rank 9: 75)

Attack 1: Forked Shock
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 4 Rounds 
Base Crit: 5% + 20% vs Tanks
Damage: (Rank 1: 20-30) (Rank 9: 78-117)
Bonus: 30% Stun on target for 3 turns.
Can damage all units
Notes: This maneuver can not be moved but once this unit is upgraded it is a good damage output in high areas.

Attack 2: Bolt Burst
Damage Type: Fire
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 2 Rounds
Base Crit: 5% + 25% vs Tanks
Bonus: 25% Armour Piercing
Damage: (Rank 1: 25-31) (Rank 9: 97 - 120)
Can damage all units
Notes: A recent attack for quick damage when you don't want to waste a higher power attack. Actually a decent attack when used in combat.

Attack 3: Shockwave
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Cooldown: 7 Rounds
Base Crit:25% vs Vehicles
Damage: (Rank 1: 26-36) (Rank 9: 101 - 140)
Can not damage Air or LTA
Notes: Holy shit. I tested this attack at rank 9 and it absolutely dominates. With a crit and full damage spread this attack can wipe the board in just a few turns. Also, the sound file for this attack is boss.

My Opinion: A very cool and powerful unit. Its a bit frail at its lowers levels but once it hits about rank 7 it can dominate the battlefield from the back. The RS17 suffers from a weakness to explosives so make sure you have a good blocking unit on hand or take out explosive units first. On top of performance this unit has a cool look and awesome sound effects for its attacks.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Boss Strike #8 Reward Units: BC-3 Cobra

For the 8th boss strike we have 3 new air units as rewards for tier 3, 7, and 10. All 3 of them all look pretty decent but I will be going into each ones stats separately. This unit is the tier 7 reward for this Boss Strike.

BC-3 Cobra


Blocking: None
HP Defenses: 
- 110% Against Standard Ammo
- 125% Against Melee
- 90% Against Fire
Armor Defenses:
- 110% Against Standard Ammo
- 120% Against Melee
- 110% Against Explosives
- 125% Against Fire
Health: (Rank 1: 90) (Rank 9: 335)
Armor: (Rank 1: 0) (Rank 9: 120)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 10) (Rank 9: 55)
Defense: (Rank 1: 25) (Rank 9: 65)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 5) (Rank 9: 45)

Attack 1: Fly By
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Round 
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 1: 21-29 x 5) (Rank 9: 69-95 x 5)
Cannot Damage LTAs or Air Units

Attack 2: Anti-Tank Maneuver
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 2 Rounds
Base Crit: 10% vs Tanks
Damage: (Rank 1: 26-36 x 3) (Rank 9: 85 - 118 x 3)
Can Only Damage Vehicles and Tanks

We will have to see how this unit performs. On paper it is fairly decent and makes for a good mid-range air unit.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Boss Strike #8 Reward Units: Tri-Wing Terror

For the 8th boss strike we have 3 new air units as rewards for tier 3, 7, and 10. All 3 of them all look pretty decent but I will be going into each ones stats separately.

Tri-Wing Terror


Blocking: None
HP Defenses: 
- 125% Against Standard Ammo
- 125% Against Melee
- 70% Against Fire
Health: (Rank 1: 75) (Rank 9: 360)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 10) (Rank 9: 55)
Defense: (Rank 1: 25) (Rank 9: 65)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 5) (Rank 9: 45)

Attack 1: Immelman
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Round 
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 1: 37) (Rank 9: 102)
Cannot Damage LTAs or Air Units

Attack 2: Fly By
Damage Type: Standard Ammo
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Round 
Base Crit: 0%
Damage: (Rank 1: 28) (Rank 9: 93)
Cannot Damage LTAs or Air Units

Review: This unit is essentially a nerfed Sopwith Spiderwasp. It is a mediocre unit meant to be given out to low level / effort guilds. A flying machine gun, nothing more, nothing less.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Boss Strike #8 - Shaman Kuros Rewards and Enemies

The Second Battle of Shaman Kuros is the eighth Boss Strike event, re-introducing Shaman Kuros and featuring Raider units scaled to each players level.


Tier Rewards Points awarded Points Total points
1 Resource-concrete 3,000 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 300 5,500 5,500
2 Resource-tooth 20 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 350 24,200 29,700
3 Tri-Wing Terror Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 400 76,700 106,400
4 Resource-gear 30 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 450 199,500 305,900
5 Resource-nanopod 45 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 500 417,200 723,100
6 Resource-skull 50 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 600 724,200 1,447,300
7 BC-3 Cobra Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 600 1,124,600 2,571,900
8 Resource-necklace 20 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 800 1,688,600 4,260,500
9 Resource-nanopod 90 Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 900 3,087,300 7,347,800
10 RS17 Shadowwasp Resource-lumber 1,000BSPoints 1,000 6,328,100 13,675,900


  • "Outsider Begone" Bombard
  • Armored Raider Mammoth
  • Big Bada Boom
  • Boar Piglet
  • Boom Boom
  • Brutal Bombadier
  • Brutal Brawler
  • Brutal Cannoneer
  • Brutal Champion
  • Deadly Watchtower
  • Dust Walker
  • Dustwalker Dervish
  • Elite Outcast
  • Elite Skirmisher
  • Firebreather
  • Granite Boulder
  • Mammoth Elder
  • Mammoth Rider
  • Mammoth Tank
  • Mammoth Tuskling
  • Mammoth
  • Raider Bombadier
  • Raider Brawler
  • Raider Cannon Recruit
  • Raider Cannoneer
  • Raider Champion
  • Raider Fence
  • Raider Grunt
  • Raider Outcast
  • Raider Rifleman
  • Raider Skirmisher
  • Raider Wall
  • Raider War Mammoth
  • Raider Warrior
  • Raider Watchtower
  • Raptor
  • Scythetooth Raptor
  • Searing Firebreather
  • Silverwolf Crop Buster
  • Spiderwasp Drone
  • Sturdy Watchtower
  • Total War Mammoth
  • Tough Raider Outcast
  • Tough Raider Skirmisher
  • Tough Raider War Mammoth

Update 3.5 Patch Notes

Updated UI: Check out that new fancy purchase page, complete with a special offer Starter Pack, featuring the Heavy Grenadier! Our development team has been hard at work updating the look of the in-game interface. This is just a start. We have a lot more on the way in future updates!

New Tutorial: A new and improved first time experience has been added to help you get into battle and building your base faster than ever before. Level up a new account and see what’s changed!

Guild Weighting: Boss Strike competition has just got a lot more competitive-er! All Guilds will be given a weight multiplier for Boss Points based on their size (see scale below). We’ve listened to the players participating in Battle Nations guilds and want to ensure we’re delivering a true challenge for everyone using the system. This breaks down the barrier for smaller size levels to compete fairly with the biggest and best. Get ready to fight!

Joining a Guild 2.0: Be sure to join a guild before the events! In order to promote a fair and balanced Boss Strike, joining Guilds will be locked for the duration of the Boss Strike event. This will allow us to maintain the integrity of the Guild Weighting based on the guild size throughout the event.

Unit Updates:

    Arctic Units (Tank and Trooper) now have a 60% damage defense versus the Cold attack.
    Frostbite has a 50% damage defense versus Cold attack.

Secret Vault: March 2014

So its time for another money grab, I mean secret vault, by Z2. I'm going to be analyzing the value of the secret vault for each unit, and the overall strength of each unit. For this test I will be basing it off the 3 unit package that costs 180, and I will be doing the package available to levels 40-45.

Earthshaker (Standard Reward Unit - Price: 60)

Quite possibly the worst unit to get in the pack. This unit has only 2 ammo, and a long 6 round reload. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 180 value. This premium artillery unit only has one ability slot, even at Rank 6. This unit is good for lower level players because the Earthshaker costs very few resources to repair. Another positive is that this vehicle can be aquired without having to build a Foundry.

Basilisk (Standard Reward Unit - Price: 60)

A mediocre reward, this tank is just an upgraded Tempest. This vehicle is decent against infantry and light armour like the Humvee and Scoutbike. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 180 value, which like the Earthshaker, is not a good deal. It is advised not to attack any tank with this unit because projectile fire is the most ineffective way to do so. As for the best way to use this unit, placing it in the middle of a row will ensure it being able to attack all five squares of the opponent's front line. Overall not a worthwhile vehicle to receive.

Imperial Peacemonger (Standard Reward Unit - Price: 70)

A decent blocking unit. This unit has good defense and its melee weapons make it a decent front line brawler. This unit is essentially a buffed Peace Keeper. This unit would be a decent reward for any player under the level 45 unlock point in the barracks. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 210 value. Getting 1 of these as a reward would be beneficial, but getting 2+ would be a waste.

Super Tank (Rare Reward Unit - Price: 70)

One of my favorite units in the game. A massive amount of health and a decent gun this tank can be used as a front line HP sponge to let higher damage units sit back. This vehicle is good to get at a lower level, and at level 45+ it is not as effective as it would be when originally unlocked at level 32.  The Super Tank is also one of the costliest units to promote in terms of SP required. Strangely, the steel costs needed to promote this are lower than a Heavy Tank. With the addition of the Mega Tank, the Super Tank is no longer the beefiest tank. However, the Super Tank is still a viable purchase because it can prove valuable at the level it is available, while the latter becomes a purchasable unit many levels later. Also, the Super Tank does not require rare Resources to repair. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 210 value. Overall it would be good to get 2 of these in a pack, but because of their placement in the higher reward pool, I can not recommend them as great units for this vault.

Special Agent (Super Rare Reward Unit - Price: 80)

This unit is a good unit to get in this pack due to its extreme offensive capabilities. At Rank 1 it has all 3 attacks unlocked, most of which are high damage / crit moves. This unit is a limited time unit which makes its rarity higher and makes its value much higher than a standard nanopod value. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 240 value, a decent amount of unit for your money. It is also noted that the Special Agent gets his fourth ability slot at Rank 6, although it only has 3 attacks, which could mean another will become available. 

Raider Recruit (Ultra Rare Reward Unit - Price: 85)

The Raider Recruit has a giant pool of health, along with armor on top of it, as well as exceptionally high defense and dodge. This unit is as rare as the Special Agent and has the high attack along with its good defense. This unit has 3 attacks at rank 1, but this unit costs as much as a Mega Tank, and while both are Blocking units, the Recruit lacks the damage-reduction of tank armor, making the unit less suitable as a damage sink. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 255 value. Getting this unit would be very beneficial for almost any level of player.

Imitation Fragment (Jackpot Reward Unit - Price: 100)

The jackpot of this secret vault, the Imitation Fragment. This unit was a promotional unit introduced during the weekend of July 13-16, 2013. It is a weaker version of the Dexter Fragment and is trainable for 100 nanopods at the Vehicle Factory for players at or above Level 45. This unit has 30 less health than the Sinister Fragment and the Dexter Fragment, as well as reduced stats overall. This unit has high attack, and is a great unit for any low level player who is not able to defeat the Ancient Sentinel. Getting three of these in a pack would would equal a 300 value.