Friday, May 9, 2014

Unit Review: Weapon Technician

Yay, new Nanopod unit! (said nobody ever). Well the monthly premium unit is here and its certainly a strange one. This unit will be our first look into the DoTs Shatter and Flammable.

Weapon Technician


Blocking: Partial
Immunity: Acid, Fire, Freeze
HP Defenses: 
- 85% Against Piercing
- 85% Against Explosive
- 505 Against Fire
- 85% Against Freeze
Health: (Rank 1: 125) (Rank 8: 355)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 25) (Rank 8: 60)
Defense: (Rank 1: 40) (Rank 8: 65)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 10) (Rank 8: 35)

Attack 1: Explosive AMP
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-4
Line of Fire: Direct
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Rounds
Base Crit: 5%
Effects: Flammable (See bottom of article)
Damage: (Rank 1: 17-23) (Rank 9: 66-89)
This attack can damage all units

Attack 2: Shatter AMP
Damage Type: Crushing
Range: 1-4
Line of Fire: Direct
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 1 Rounds
Base Crit: 5%
Effect: Shatter (See bottom of article)
Damage: (Rank 1: 17-23) (Rank 9: 66-89)
This attack can damage all units

Shatter and Flammable makes units effected more vulnerable to certain attcks. A vehicle that is effect by shatter will take 2X the amount of crushing damage. And units effected by Flammable will take more fire damage. This unit DOES effect the Ancient Sentinel so your units can do more damage to it. This will also make the Demolisher a decent crushing unit for once.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Developer Q&A

Can you guys keep us even a little informed about what you are working on and what or when we can expect updates and new content?

It's not always easy when many things are in the pipeline but we will try!

For example, are you still working on the guild store, strategist etc. roles or did you give up on that?

Yes, these are in the works. There’s a lot that needs to go into making these work with the game interface, so you’ll see it looking a lot nicer, and improvements to the HUD, before the features you mention come out.

Are you working on new missions? New units?

Always! The biggest deal is the next level update, planned for early summer.

Any changes we can expect to base maps? Expansion? New features? It's getting really crowded and even being able to clear unusable terrain would help.

We’ve listened, and are working on the best way for this to be improved in the game.

Are you working on water units or is that a pipe dream?

We all want to bring the battle to the sea too, and get something done hopefully by later this year.

What suggestions have you taken into consideration that shows us you are listening?

We’re continuing to refine the events, which have helped to get the Guilds features we’ve introduced into good shape. The team reads the forums, and we meet with the mods on the daily. 

Any WAR features we can expect in the near future, or distant future?

We can only tell you lots of things are in progress on this front!

Any major changes to enhance gameplay now that BS and mini invasions are pretty standard? Can you come up with a way to make those of us with all these extra SV units feel like they are useful?

Yes, we’ve got some new features coming that will allow for new kinds of events. The future is bright.