RS17 Shadowwasp

Blocking: None
Immunity: Freeze and Stun
HP Defenses:
- 75% Against Standard Ammo
- 75% Against Melee
- 130% Against Explosive
- 65% Against Fire
- 75% Against Ice
Armor Defenses:
- 65% Against Standard Ammo
- 65% Against Melee
- 150% Against Explosives
- 50% Against Fire
- 75% Against Ice
Health: (Rank 1: 100) (Rank 9: 310)
Armor: (Rank 1: 0) (Rank 9: 105)
Bravery: (Rank 1: 30) (Rank 9: 55)
Defense: (Rank 1: 30) (Rank 9: 85)
Dodge: (Rank 1: 20) (Rank 9: 75)

Attack 1: Forked Shock
Damage Type: Explosive
Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 4 Rounds
Base Crit: 5% + 20% vs Tanks
Damage: (Rank 1: 20-30) (Rank 9: 78-117)
Bonus: 30% Stun on target for 3 turns.
Can damage all units
Notes: This maneuver can not be moved but once this unit is upgraded it is a good damage output in high areas.
Attack 2: Bolt Burst

Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Ammo Used: 1
Cooldown: 2 Rounds
Base Crit: 5% + 25% vs Tanks
Bonus: 25% Armour Piercing
Damage: (Rank 1: 25-31) (Rank 9: 97 - 120)
Can damage all units
Notes: A recent attack for quick damage when you don't want to waste a higher power attack. Actually a decent attack when used in combat.
Attack 3: Shockwave

Range: 1-5
Line of Fire: Indirect
Cooldown: 7 Rounds
Base Crit:25% vs Vehicles
Damage: (Rank 1: 26-36) (Rank 9: 101 - 140)
Can not damage Air or LTA
Notes: Holy shit. I tested this attack at rank 9 and it absolutely dominates. With a crit and full damage spread this attack can wipe the board in just a few turns. Also, the sound file for this attack is boss.
My Opinion: A very cool and powerful unit. Its a bit frail at its lowers levels but once it hits about rank 7 it can dominate the battlefield from the back. The RS17 suffers from a weakness to explosives so make sure you have a good blocking unit on hand or take out explosive units first. On top of performance this unit has a cool look and awesome sound effects for its attacks.